Of The Four Noble Truths

Truth of Suffering, Truth of Origin of Suffering, Truth of Cessation of Suffering, Truth of the Path that leads to the Cessation of Suffering

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Value of Ownership means taking full control and responsibility of the situation.
When we own or take full responsibility we work with energy, passion and drive to achieve results.

Taking charge or taking Ownership requires determination, effort and coming out of ego. This is a great opportunity for growth and increasing our Paramitas. Taking ownership means exhibiting Love for what we do, for whom we do and the motivation behind what we are doing. The more we Love, the more ownership we have, the more we contribute and the more we grow.

We might think that we need to work 9-6 just for the salary we are getting. Then we  focus on only the goals and tasks which have been cut out for us. But, the key to success here is that, the more ownership we take, the more we learn, the more we contribute. The more we contribute, the more we get rewarded. Now rewards may be in terms of recognition, position, monetary or appreciation.

I faced a similar situation yesterday when I saw my collegues failing to manage a crisis. At first, I did not pay much attention to it, but just stayed there for them in case they need me to help them. The after some insight, I saw this an opportunity for myself to grow. I stepped up to the situation and jumped into the crisis. Since then, I have been given the responsibility to co-ordinate and plan so that the issues are resolved quickly. This initiative from my side gave me immense personal satisfaction and built good relationship with collegues and my seniors. I also got a chance to apply my thought process and analytical capabilities to the situation.

In short, I put in effort, I took ownership and I got personal satisfaction, learning and appreciation in return.

The value of Ownership is linked with values of  RESPONSIBILITY, INITIATIVE and the Paramita of Virya. When we move towards Ownership, we move away from the value of LAZINESS, HESITATION, CARELESSNESS, EGO.

The following are the points I have decided to implement  to strengthen this value:

1) Asking my Supervisor how can I help him in his work so that his stress is reduced.
2) Completing my own tasks before time (this may involve reaching 1 hr early to office and staying little late)
3) With more time in hand, I can take up additional responsibilities
4) Being involved in activities which are not linked to my project, and which will be a good learning for me.
This can be done by SHARING.
5) Being involved in planning and strategic decisions as much as possible which will give me a wholistic approach of the Group and will help me come out of my project- silo.

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